Siamese Cat Breed Profile

Siamese Cat Breed Profile

How would you like an in depth look at the Siamese cat breed profile from an expert?

You've always been attracted to Siamese cats and just want to make sure the breed is right for you before finding a kitten.

You have a few questions, maybe even a few concerns . . .


So as a GCCF Siamese cat judge and Siamese cat breeder I am sure I can help.

Let me introduce you to the wonderful Siamese cat breed.

Introducing Siamese Cats

Siamese cats are a wonderful creature and probably one of the most well-known breeds of pedigree cats.

There are two distinct types of Siamese, one is the ‘old style’ which is the more traditional style and the one anyone over the age of thirty most likely remembers from their childhood. The other style of Siamese is the ‘modern style’ which is the more common style found today.

Old Style Siamese Cat

Old style Siamese cat

Modern Style Siamese Cat

Red Point

Siamese Cat Description

Siamese cats are a medium size shorthair cat of elegant proportions. Long, tall and graceful with a long tapering tail. Long wedge shape face with very large ears.

This beautiful breed of cat can be found in various colours and patterns with the most well know colours probably being seal point, chocolate point, lilac point and blue point though there are many other colours and patterns.

The coat colour on a Siamese cat is restricted to the face, ears, legs and tail with the body being cream or off white in colour.

Interesting Siamese Facts

All Siamese cats have blue eyes and they are also known for being cross eyed. This to be fair has been eliminated from the breed for the most part as have the famous kinked tails.

Neither being a health issue but deemed undesirable on the show bench, however these traits still pop up from time to time.

Personality of Siamese Cats

Siamese cats are extremely active, very vocal and very affectionate; they enjoy both human and feline company. They are a highly intelligent cat and demand a lot of stimulation and interaction.

They do well with the company of other cats and are also happy with dogs and children. If you are out of the house for long periods of time then your Siamese cat is liable to become unhappy. Ideally we advise they have a feline friend for company.

GCCF cat judge Ross Davies

Ross Davies

"If you are looking for a cat that is not particularly demanding and happy left to their own devices then perhaps a Siamese is not for you."

Grooming & General Care

On the whole Siamese cats are probably what you could call a low maintenance breed when it comes to grooming. Siamese cats are shorthair cats that require little help with grooming.

However having said that stroking and grooming your cat is an excellent way to bond with your cat and constant stroking, good diet and a healthy cat will results in a sleek, shiny coat. Attention should be paid to clipping your cat’s claws and you should also provide a quality scratching post.

Health of Siamese Cats

There are varying degrees of inherited health issues and just like every other breed, the Siamese cat does have a couple of potential health problems to be aware of.

  • Siamese cats have an elongated face which some believe leaves them prone to dental issues.
  • They are also more prone to feline obsessive compulsive disorder which can result in over grooming to the extent of leaving bald patches.
  • Cardiomyopathy is present in the breed but thankfully not very common.
  • Some Siamese cats display kinked tails and cross eyes, neither should really be classed as health issues, rather breed traits.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy is present in the Siamese gene pool and is thought to cause blindness in later years.
  • Hepatic Amyloidosis and Feline Lymphosarcoma are two diseases that are believed to be inherited. With Amyloidosis there is no cure and with Lymphosarcoma courses of chemotherapy have proved successful.

Siamese Cat Gallery

Below are some Siamese cat pictures including examples of the different colours of Siamese cat. 

Commonly Asked Questions

Click the questions to reveal the answers...

How long do Siamese cats live?

Do Siamese cats need a feline companion?

Are Siamese cats mean?

What do Siamese cats eat?

Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic?

Useful Resources

Here are a few of the most useful resources I am happy to recommend.


About the author

Ross writes extensively about cats and kittens and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and has also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.

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